I made a broccoli polenta recipe from
Veganomicon tonight and it was really, really delicious. I was flicking through the book hoping something would pop out at me, and then, 'pop!' - this stuck out.
It involved cooking up a pot of polenta, stirring through a head of finely chopped broccoli, smearing it out onto a baking tray and refridgerating it for an hour, and then slicing it into squares and pan frying it. The bits of broccoli on the edges went really crispy and crunchy, and it was all round yum.
For the sauce, I cooked up a whole load of home grown tomatoes and zucchini, some garlic & onion, salt, pepper, vinegar, chilli flakes, thyme and a little of bit of honey. I cooked it for about an hour until it was reduced and syrupy, and then used poured it on top of the polenta to serve.
Everyone in the house was really excited by it, I guess because it's totally different from the tofu-green vegetables-rice stuff that I usually make. And it was good!